全国服务热线 13501559060

德国进口BURKERT 宝德8012流量变送器 模拟信号输出

更新时间:2010-01-01 00:00:00
联系手机: 13501559060

深圳市正壹自动化技术有限公司代理销售burkert 8011流量变送器

8012•通径dn6.0 -50 mm

for continuous flow measurement

• economic integration in pipe systems without any
additional piping
• optic or magnetic measuring principle
• configurable output: 1 analog 4 - 20 ma and/or
1 transistor output (frequency or switch)
• outputs configurable (through interface on usb port with pc)

the paddle wheel flowmeter for continuous
flow measurement is especially designed for
use in neutral, slightly aggressive, solid free liquids
in its magnetic measuring version and for
use in liquids which let pass the infra-reds in its
optic measuring version.
the 8012 is made up of a fitting (s012) and an
electronic module (se12) connected together
with screws. the bürkert designed fitting system
ensures simple installation into all pipes
from dn06 to dn65. it can also be installed in
fluid block systems.
the 8012 produces a programmable frequency
pulse signal, proportional to the flow rate,
which can easily be transmitted and processed
by a bürkert remote transmitter/controller, or
a programmable switch output or a 4 - 20 ma


8010inline-paddle flow switch, on/off
8011flow sensor for continuous flow measurement, measuring principle: magnetic
8012flow sensor for continuous flow measurement, measuring principle: optic or magnetic
8020insertion - paddlewheel flowsensor for continuous flow measurement
8022flow transmitter/ pulse divider - microprocessor-controlled electronics, pluggable toflow sensor 8020, 8030 or 8070, removable display unit - 2-wire (4-20 ma) / 3-wire (npn/pnp) operation
8024 insertion - paddlewheel flowsensor with analog indicator
8025insertion - paddlewheel flow transmitter for continuous flow measurement and batch control with digital display
8026insertion - element paddlewheel flow transmitter for continuous flow measurement, pn10, dn15 to dn400 fluidic process connection
8030inline-flowsensor for continuous flow measurement
8031flow sensor for continuous low-flow measurement
8032inline - paddlewheel flow transmitter/switch with digital display
8034 inline - paddlewheel flowsensor with analog indicator
8035inline - paddlewheel flowtransmitter for continuous flow measurement and batch control with digital display
8036inline - element paddlewheel flow transmitter for continuous flow measurement, dn06 to dn65 fluid process connection
8039inline - paddlewheel flowsensor / switch with optical principle, digital display
8041insertion - magmeter for continuous flow measurement, stainless steel version, without display
8045insertion - magmeter for continuous flow measurement with display
8051full bore magflowmeter for low-flow measurement, continuous measurement or batch control
8054full bore magflowmeter for continuous measurement or batch control - general purpose wafer version
8055full bore magflowmeter for continuous measurement or batch control - general purpose flanged version
8056full bore magflowmeter for continuous measurement or batch control - sanitary versionmeasuring range 0-10 l/h up to 0-280 m3/h
8070positive displacement flow sensor for continuous flow measurement
8071positive displacement low flow sensor for continuous control
8072positive displacement flowsensor / -switch with digital display
8075positive displacement flowtransmitter for continuous flow measurement and batch control with digital display
8076positive displacement flow transmitter for use in slightly viscous fluids
8081flow sensor for continuous measurement - ultrasonic using transmit time method, low pressure drop, no flow-settling section necessary in the inlet and/or outlet




  • 地址:深圳 深圳市宝安区沙井街道沙二西环新村三巷二号一楼
  • 邮编:518104
  • 电话:(0755)
  • 联系人:常丽杰
  • 手机:13501559060
  • 传真:86 755 33503337
  • QQ:1534452927
  • Email:1534452927@qq.com